ExpertInnen am Tag der Artenvielfalt

Model region for promoting and developing sustainabiliy

Ecological balance, economic security and social equity are the three pillars of the Wienerwald BR and of all our activities and projects we are initiate and implement with our local partners and authorities.

Monitoring im Wald
  • research and implementation projects
  • educational and volunteer activities
  • variety of species are found in the Wienerwald

Sustainable wildlife management:

In conjunction with the project entitled ’Integrative, sustainable wildlife management in the Wienerwald BR’, criteria and corresponding indicators were developed for the sustainable management of wildlife and their habitats.

Read moreabout: Sustainable wildlife management:
Naturnahes Firmengelände

LIFE Economy and Nature

Biodiversity or biological diversity is not just an important philosophy for all of us; it also provides the foundation for numerous sectors of our economy. In many ways, the commercialsuccess of businesses depends on ecosystems and their species diversity.

Read moreabout: LIFE Economy and Nature
Gruppe im Wald

Wienerwald Climate Alliance in the BR:

The Federal State of Lower Austria joined the Climate Alliance in 1993. To meet the ambitious targets of the Climate Alliance – e.g. reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030 by 50% – is a distinct challenge to the State and its communities.

Read moreabout: Wienerwald Climate Alliance in the BR:
Blich in den Himmel

Safeguarding and monitoring biodiversity in the core zones of Vienna and Lower Austria

In line with the goals laid down by UNESCO, the core zones of the Wienerwald BR are designated to conserve biological diversity, to monitor ecosystems exposed to anthropogenic disturbance and to implement research projects. Through conservation by non-intervention in natural processes, it is hoped that these areas will become the ‘virgin forests of tomorrow’.

Read moreabout: Safeguarding and monitoring biodiversity in the core zones of Vienna and Lower Austria

Wienerwald BR – DER WEIN

The BPWW Management GmbH’s annual wine award competition ’DER WEIN’ aims at making links between the wine theme and the Wienerwald, because there are excellent wine-growing domains in the far corners of the Wienerwald which are characterised by great landscape diversity which affords a high quality of life.

Read moreabout: Wienerwald BR – DER WEIN

Fruit Tree Campaign and Fruit Tree Day

For a long time, vineyard trees such as peach, almond, cherry, apple, cornel cherry, nuts, beam-tree or true service tree were grown in traditional viticultural landscapes, in orchard meadows or even in avenues. These days you would be hard-pressed to spot any fruit-trees, not only in vineyards but also in the Wienerwald generally.

Read moreabout: Fruit Tree Campaign and Fruit Tree Day

Echo location –Educational Echo

The bat project entitled ’Echoortung – Bildungsecho’ (echo location – educational echo) was part of an initiative entitled ‘generation innovation’, in other words, the promotion of Young talent, taken by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, and produced a positive outcome after a duration of 1.5 years.

Read moreabout: Echo location –Educational Echo

Baseline monitoring in the core zones of the Wienerwald BR

In order to create a solid data resource, baseline surveys were conducted in all core zones of theWienerwald BR to establish their actual condition. This kind of ‘stock-taking’ forms the basis for current and future research projects.

Read moreabout: Baseline monitoring in the core zones of the Wienerwald BR