ExpertInnen am Tag der Artenvielfalt

Model region for promoting and developing sustainabiliy

Ecological balance, economic security and social equity are the three pillars of the Wienerwald BR and of all our activities and projects we are initiate and implement with our local partners and authorities.

Monitoring im Wald
  • research and implementation projects
  • educational and volunteer activities
  • variety of species are found in the Wienerwald

Neobiota (non-indigenous species) in the Wienerwald BR

Invasive species such as Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica ) are on the advance in the Wienerwald. Owing to their dominance and rapid spread, the diversity of plant species and thus the resilience of native ecosystems is reduced.

Read moreabout: Neobiota (non-indigenous species) in the Wienerwald BR
Krötenpaar im Teich


All 20 native species of amphibians in Austria are on the Red List of Endangered Species for Austria and are strictly protected.

Read moreabout: Amphibians
Haselmaus auf Ribiselzweig

On the trail of the hazel dormouse

Hazel dormice are difficult to find, as they are no bigger than a thumb and live mostly in dense undergrowth. Its secretive life style means that there is hardly anything known about this small mammal.

Read moreabout: On the trail of the hazel dormouse

Ural owl

Since 2007 the re-introduction of the Ural owl has been conducted under the guidance of a team of researchers of the Forschungsinstitut für Wildtierkunde und Ökologie (Research Institute for Game Biology and Ecology) of the Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien (Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna).
Read moreabout: Ural owl
Bau einer Trockensteinmauer

drystone walling

Drystone walling, i.e. the building of walls in which stones are laid and wedged without the use of cement, is a craft that has existed for hundreds of years.

Read moreabout: drystone walling