Blumenwiese vor Druckereigebäude
Naturnahes Firmengelände



eNu, Umweltdachverband, Wirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich, Land NÖ - RU5 Abteilung Naturschutz, Land NÖ - Abteilung Wirtschaft, Tourismus und Technologie


Biodiversity or biological diversity is not just an important philosophy for all of us; it also provides the foundation for numerous sectors of our economy. In many ways, the commercialsuccess of businesses depends on ecosystems and their species diversity. Within the framework of this initiative for companies in Lower Austria, joint strategies and projects are developed inorder to integrate the biodiversity concept effectively in management philosophies and tocommunicate the individual companies’ commitment effectively.

Initially, a company survey was carried out eliciting responses from 82 companies. Approximately 62% of the respondents stated that their business has an influence on nature orbiodiversity. 46% of those feel that their influence is either positive or mostly positive. Respondents estimated that the impact of biodiversity and ecosystem services on the success of businesses is going to increase over the next ten years. 15% do not apply any measures currently, but 90% of these respondents would be willing, on principle, to become active in this respect.

In this field, the potential includes, in particular, measures such as the furtherance of nature within their own premises and the integration of biodiversity in any pre-existing sustainability concepts (e.g. CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility) adopted by them. Another aim is to cooperate actively with designated areas and/or nature conservation organisations. The reasons for company commitment include customer loyalty and recruitment and – above all – Image enhancement. Other important aspects for companies include the motivation of staff members, the strengthening of regional loyalty and the maintenance of the company’s entrepreneurial tradition.

The project is carried out jointly by the Energie und Umweltagentur Niederösterreich (eNu/Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria), the Umweltdachverband (governing body for energy), the BPWW Management GmbH, the Federal State of Lower Austria and the Wirtschaftskammer NÖ; the project is sponsored by the EU LIFE+ Programme.

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EU Life+ Programm

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